Reorienting to a new way of being to help navigate global change

As a new world gradually births out of the old one over these next few years, I believe we’re being called to cultivate wiser, more refined and grounded ways of being in relationship with ourselves, each other and the world.

We've been evolving and adapting to so much intense change, and yet we’re still wired psychologically and energetically to the way things used to be, which is why at times it feels like we're trudging through thick mud. Our feet are straddling two realities, the old world and the not yet defined new world, AND we're living in this messy in between place. Not going anywhere fast. It's such a head spin at times!

It’s pretty easy to feel stuck, to find yourself holding on too tight - sometimes without even realising it - to how things were, to how you wish things were... and yet here we are.

Here we are.

This extended global transition is our current reality, and one perspective is it's an extended window where new possibilities can be birthed that contribute towards the kind of world we'd all like to see. What better time could there be than now to give ourselves the space and time to catch up, to reorient ourselves to a new way of being, to uplevel from within, and see what else wants to emerge and be created?

This is the time to be cultivating our inner capacities, anchoring to the wisdom within our bodies - rather than to the chaos around us, which is too fragmenting and disorientating to be hooked into 24/7. The is the time to strengthen your inner authority - to trust yourself as a spiritual practice, and make room for your untapped gifts to emerge.

I've felt such a strong call this year to reconnect to the wisdom within me and listen deeply for what's needed now. So much is shifting and wanting to emerge and I know I’m not the only one. 2 1/2 years of change is going to shift how we show up. I've played that dance that we all do at times when we're evolving / changing / adapting of trusting and doubting, listening and ignoring.

It used to be easier to bury our heads in the sand, but that's not really possible anymore. Our bodies speak so loudly when we're out of alignment with ourselves and with the change that's trying to emerge from within or being presented from outside us too. We know when we're being called to change, but it takes courage to heed the call! I believe our body has our back, is wired towards greater wholeness and growth, and I trust that an aligned inner call meets a need in the world too. Because we're all connected.

So maybe the question is, what would happen if you trusted yourself more with what you're sensing and feeling is needed next?

The first thing to emerge for me is something that's been in the wings since I trialled it in 2020. I'm super excited to open the doors to my newest program: "Tune In": a very cool 6 week online group program for women to take us into Spring far more anchored and grounded in our gifts and inner wisdom to navigate transition, thrive and be the change!

We start Wednesday evening (Sydney, Australia time), 17th August!!

For more info, please check out Tune In Program.