Are you walking your talk?

Have you noticed (if you're in Australia at least), a subtle inner pressure to go back to the way things were in your life? Are you starting to feel a kind of pull within to return to the once familiar pace, rhythm and routines of how you used to be and do life before 2020 hit?

And have you also noticed alongside of this inner pressure to go back in time as quickly as possible (for want of a better way of putting it) , that there's also something in you putting the brakes on? As if this part of you is shaking its head and saying Nup. No. Not happening.

Push / pull. Accelerate / brake. Yes / no...

What if the part of you that's putting the brakes on going full speed backwards is in effect saying -

"Look, these last 12 months you learnt SO MUCH about yourself, about your relationships, your life, your health, your choices, the environment, and about what you truly value and what actually wasn't working or sustainable. Remember?

All the new knowing that seeped in when the whole world went quiet, that you decided you would do something about when life moved forward again ... and you started to dream about doing things differently ... remember??

Well, what are you doing about that this year?

How are you going to bring what you know into your life in real ways?

And if you have made big changes, how are you supporting yourself to not lose your nerve and fall back into old ruts?!

How are you now walking your talk?

I've noticed in clients and conversations with many people over the past few weeks this push pull phenomena playing out... as we each attempt to figure out how can we make room in our lives for the changes we've discovered are needed and will continue to be needed.

Many of these changes are quite challenging to navigate as our lives are pretty much still set up to support the way things have always been.

It's not unlike labour contractions preparing us to birth something new. We're unbecoming and becoming all at the same time... navigating the old and the new and the in between.

It's a very interesting time.

I've no doubt we'll figure it out.