The work of staying connected within the chaos

So much of my work with women recently has been supporting them to drop beneath whatever's going on and come back to themselves, so they can reconnect to their OWN knowing and wisdom.

It's unsurprising with the year we've had it's more challenging than usual to stay connected.

There's so much to absorb, make sense of, learn, unlearn, release and integrate on so many different levels. 

We take in huge amounts of information daily. We absorb SO much mentally, emotionally & energetically as well as process what's coming up to be resolved from the past, and worrying about what we can do about the future. 

It builds up. It’s no wonder many of us are feeling disconnected, frazzled, scattered and overwhelmed.

What I'm noticing is it's not that we don't have the ability or skill to navigate all that's going on, we do - it's more we forget to apply the skills & tools we have when we most need to be using them. 

It's not automatic when things are stressful or uncertain to slow down, check in and listen.

We forget there’s a calm beneath the chaos, and we can reconnect to that when things are spinning up too fast.

We usually keep forging ahead, which is when things compound.

Of course sometimes when it's too much it helps for someone else to hold space for us so we can drop in and deeply listen to where we're at and what we need. 

When we talk things through, sense into what's really going on beneath the story and allow ourselves to be supported, we start re-envisaging the story we've been telling ourselves. We let go of our attachment to what's not working and everything shifts.

That's what I do in my work - 1:1 in a spacious 90 minute Guidance Sessions where we can specifically focus on a pressing issue or concern, or in a Group Tune In Session to hone the skills and processes that most help us tune into the depth of our wisdom so we can draw upon it when most needed.

I also run women's Soul Circles which are another potent way to be witnessed, heard and mirrored by other women and shift into more of who you are.

The next Tune In Session is this coming Thursday, 2 July. For more details, click here. 🙏